Monday, July 19, 2010

Episode 6 - Chennai, once again

I had a very short fling with this new girl. I feel ashamed to say this but I was simply gobsmacked when I first saw her. She was STUNNING like what they would say in hindi - A phataka!

She was that tempestuous mistress - extremely moody, had her own ways, you had to give her tremendous respect and when she got into the act it was the biggest high you could get! Around this time, my girl made a quiet return to Chennai. I used to spend time with her but suddenly started finding faults with her, started finding her boring. The new girl had blinded me. I knew I had no future with the other girl but still I hounded her.

My relationship hit a new low. I started neglecting my girl, stopped calling her, stopped getting her stuff, and just stopped spending time with her. But I was too engrossed with the other girl to even notice this and also my admissions were getting confirmed. Around this time the other girl left Chennai for Bangalore. Before i got a chance to make up with my old girl, I had to soon leave Chennai, and my relationship with both the women.

On to a boring chapter....

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